Saturday, March 21, 2015

What Have I Been Up To?

Hi readers! You are probably wondering what I have been doing for the past few days. Well, I have been extremely busy site seeing, exploring, eating and yes, actually starting classes. I spent an entire day walking around the Gran Via, a huge tourist attraction. Various shops, bars and even a casino line the streets. I probably spent way too many euros. Oops. I explored the area known as Madrid's art triangle including the Museo del Prado, the Reina Sofia and the Thyssen-Bornemisza. Even though I'm not a huge art fanatic, I enjoyed learning about the history and meaning behind the artworks, as well as some history of Madrid, my new home. My favorite activity over the past few days was walking around the Casa de Campo, the biggest park in Madrid. It probably helped that it was a perfect day weather-wise, 75 and sunny. Casa de Campo features a large lake, a zoo, sports facilities and spaces for concerts and events. I think I loved it so much because it reminded me of one of my favorite parks back home in Atlanta. Anyways, my friends and I had a picnic by the lake and it was nice to sit down, relax and reflect on everything we experienced over the past few days. Next weekend, I will begin traveling around Europe, starting with Prague. I am beyond excited, but I know there is still so much to experience here in Madrid. I will definitely make the most of this week in Madrid before I leave for Prague. Thanks for reading!

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