Tuesday, March 24, 2015

First Up: Prague

I made it to Prague! I got here early this morning so I had the entire day to start exploring the city. The first place that I stopped by was the Old Town Square. I can definitely understand why it is known as one of the most beautiful sites in Europe; the ancient buildings and churches are magnificent. The Old Town Square dates from the 12th century and started out as a central market place. There are buildings of Romanesque, Baroque and Gothic styles, all of which were built in different centuries. Now, various shops and restaurants line the street. I sat in a coffee shop and took in all the beauty around me while I recharged and got ready to go visit the next site.

After resting for a bit, I went to Charles Bridge. Many people recommended that I go there, so I knew it had to be something special. It didn't disappoint. The bridge connects the Old Town and Lesser Town and is lined with 30 Baroque statues of religious figures. There were many painters and hot-dog vendors fighting for good spots to get the most business from tourists. Speaking of tourists, the bridge was swarming with them! Next time, I think I will go at dawn to beat the crowds and get a better view of the Vltava River.

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